A Mom’s Win-Win-Win

Robin, the mother of two elementary school age children, is
a coaching client of mine who has come to me on several occasions for support
in having the joyous life she desires for herself and her children. Recently she shared with me a delightful
weekend she created for herself and people she loves.

Friday afternoon she and her children drove to the mountains
to play in the snow. This was a treat for the three of them to share! Robin enthusiastically shared. "We threw snowballs, attempted to make a snowman, but barely made a snow mound! My two children made snow angels and I couldn’t get my son off the sled disk. He must have gone up and down that hill 50 times! I had to wear snow shoes because I kept sinking to my knees in the snow. It was funny that the kids didn’t sink since they were so light."

Saturday evening they drove home, and Robin took her
children to their grandparents for the evening and all day Sunday. Both her children and their grandparents were thrilled to have the time together. 

Sunday was a luscious day all for herself. Robin slept in
late “to about 8 or 8:30 and then I mosied around the house, relaxing and having some great spiritual time
on Sunday morning, followed by almost 5 hours at the spa with a facial,
massage and pedicure! What a relaxing, rejuvenating day!"

Reflect for a moment on all the win’s Robin created for
herself, her children, and their grandparents. Everyone got to have special
time and experiences with people they dearly love and enjoy. This is excellent, magical
creating at its best–win-win-win!

Are you inspired? You too can create something this joyous for yourself and the people you love. Begin by thinking of something
special you want to create for youself, something that would give you great joy.
Then see how many other people for whom you can create win’s at the same time.

Discover what a powerful, magical creator you are!

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