The “Right” Attitude

Doug and I share the responsibility of caring for our horses Destiny and Echo. I take the morning shift and Doug the evening shift on his way home. Every morning I put them in a round pen or the arena so they can have some exercise, clean their stalls, make sure they have water, and feed them each a flake of alfalfa hay.

I often see Barry out at the ranch taking care of his horses. He walks around with light step and a smile on his face. We exchange the usual, "How are you?"

His reply to me is always, "Glad to be alive!" His answer is always the same, "Glad to be alive!", and I can hear it in his voice. He’s not taking the precious gift we call Life for granted.

This statement always makes me stop and see if I can shift my attitude even more to one of appreciation and joy in living. We all live such blessed lives in so many ways.

Try waking up tomorrow morning and say to yourself, "I’m glad to be alive!" See how this affects your day. See how this allows you to be a more loving parent or teacher.

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