How to Create Quality Time with Your Child

We live in busy times. Moms and Dads rush around, hoping to complete the tasks on their To Do Lists and trying to eek out a little time for themselves each week while taking care of their child. Their daily pace can feel hectic and overwhelming.

Does this sound familiar?

You matter a lot to your child. Your child cares about you and needs to feel a solid emotional connection with you. Yes, your child needs to be fed, clothed, bathed, and taken to their own activities, but not at the expense of QT with you.

Sometimes you may mistake defiance, sullenness or lack of cooperation as indicators you don’t matter to your child. Nothing can be further from the truth.

In fact, one of the most valuable things you can do to improve your child’s defiance, sullenness or lack of cooperation is to spend Quality Time with her. Everyone knows that QT is essential for your child’s emotional well-being and development, yet most parents struggle just to complete the daily tasks.

But how can you successfully create this time when your life is so busy, and there are so many have-to’s in the day? I’ve discovered there are powerful secrets you can use to guarantee you and your child share this all-important QT together.

Allow me to share with you some actions you can take today to create more Quality Time with your child.

Tip #1 Find ways to be more efficient and effective with your work responsibilities.

Yes, you have lots of responsibilities and things to do. Yet everyone can benefit from being more focused and organized in managing their time and their responsibilities. Choose one thing you will do differently at work to reduce your time commitments. Then use this extra time to have fun with your child.

Tip #2 Consciously leave work at work, even when you work from home.

Here’s a little visualization you can use to help you. Imagine a book that represents your work and career life. At the end of the day, imagine firmly and completely closing this book and leaving it on your desk. If you feel uneasy about this, remind yourself it will be there waiting for you the next day, and consciously choose to leave your work at work.

Then walk out the door and close it behind you. Then on your drive home or your transition between work and family, think about your family. Remind yourself of your love and appreciation for each of them. Then walk in the door and greet them with a warm hug filled with love.

Tip #3 Make your Quality Time together authentic connection time.

Spending time with your child because you ‘should’ is not QT. Your emotional connection needs to be authentic, and not going through the motions. Your child can tell the difference. Focus on making your time together a time of genuine, positive emotional connection.

Tip #4 Make your Quality Time fun for both of you.

QT is not QT when only one of you is enjoying it. Find activities you both enjoy and can take an interest in. Let your curiosity inspire and guide you. Then schedule it in your calendar and make it happen.

Make nourishing your emotional connection with your child your highest priority, and you’ll have moment after moment of Quality Time with your child.

Authentic QT with your child means a quality life for you. Your child has much to offer you, just as you have much to offer your child. Cherish every precious moment!

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