“5 Essential Guidelines to Raise a Self-Confident Child”
If you’re like most moms and dads I speak with, you know your child’s self-confidence is essential for her to live a successful, happy life. Yet you worry if you are doing a good job guiding her to develop this crucial quality.
Nurturing self-confidence in your child is hard to get your hands on. It’s not a straight-forward process like teaching your child to put on his shoes.
You know it when you see it. Yet what does it mean when you suspect it’s not there? What can you do? What really works? Is praising enough?
Is your child struggling with any of these?
– hesitates to interact with you and others
– seems cautious to try or initiate new things unless you’re right beside him or encouraging him
– says negative things about herself…”I’m just not good at this;” “I’ll never be able to do this:” I’m an angry boy;” “I hate myself”
– gets upset when he makes a mistake, perhaps refusing to try again
– has a negative attitude about life in general
– frequently asks you what she should do or simply follows your ideas without thinking or speaking for herself
– asks you if what he did is good, if you like something he has created
You want your child to
stand tall and proudly in who she is
- talk comfortably with you and others, even people she just meets
- walk confidently into new situations by himself without clinging to you
- eagerly try new things, initiate new projects of her own
- enjoy and be excited about life
- be content within himself without much outside feedback
Your job is to create an emotionally healthy relationship with your child that encourages and supports her natural self-confidence and Inner Brilliance.
In this downloadable program, you will learn:
- 5 reasons why self-confidence is important
- 3 ways introverted children express their self-confidence that is different than extroverted children
- Why praise actually diminishes your child’s confidence and what to do instead
- 4 effective, simple do-now actions that will nurture genuine self-confidence in your child
This is what you will receive in this program:
1 – A 90-minute downloadable audio of a teleclass
2 – A transcript of the class
What is your investment for this program?
Only $27.