Inn at Schoolhouse Creek in Mendocino

This is the first of many posts you will see from me about travel.  My husband Doug and I love to travel and share both edgy and relaxing adventures.  We take many weekend camping trips near our home and longer vacations to international destinations.  I frequently share my thoughts and photos in my email newsletters, and now I can share them here as well. 

Very soon I’ll be sharing more about my upcoming trip to China but in the meantime I want to share an email I received from Maureen and Steven, the wonderful Inkeepers at Doug’s and my favorite Inn on Northern California’s Mendocino Coast. 

P2060179The Inn at Schoolhouse Creek was recently featured on the Bay Area’s CBS 5 show Eye on the Bay. The show was a special on the Mendocino Coast and named the Inn at Schoolhouse Creek as their favorite accomodation on the coast.  The Inn’s host Liam Mayclem and crew stayed at the inn for 3 days so they truly got to experience this special Inn.                                       

You can see the video by going to their website and clicking on the Eye on the Bay logo on the home page.  This will give you an in-depth view of this special inn, which is  located on the gorgeous California coast.

I hope you have the pleasure of visiting this delightful inn soon!                    P2060182

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