Why Johnny Doesn’t Listen and What You Can Do About It
One of the biggest frustrations I hear parents complain about is, “My child doesn’t listen!” They share numerous stories of frustration and even heart-rending sadness when a simple request to come to dinner or get ready for bed turns into a yelling match in which both parent and child say things they later regret.
Is this you?
Do you struggle with a child who doesn’t listen and who does the same thing over and over no matter what you say?
Do you repeat the same things to your child with no results until you are exhausted and at the end of your rope?
Does it sometimes seem the only way to get cooperation from your child is to get angry and raise your voice?
Do you ever feel as if you are tossing words at a totally unresponsive brick wall?
When you’re talking to your child, does she ignore you, walk away, get angry or have an emotional meltdown?
If you answered, “Yes!” to any of these questions, you are not alone.
As a parent, you want…
- to be heard by your child and to have your ideas make a positive difference in his life.
- to be heard the first time you say something to your child without having to resort to raising your voice or the use of threats and rewards.
- less stress and more ease in your interactions with your child.
- your child to be a willing partner in creating more harmony with you so it’s doesn’t feel like a battle so often.
The Good News…this is easier than you think.
The truth is you have lots of power and influence with your child that you probably don’t know about and haven’t been using lately. I can help you recognize this amazing power you already have and show you how to communicate with your child in a way you both enjoy and that gets results.
If this sounds like what you want, I’d love to share my downloadable online program… “Why Johnny Doesn’t Listen and What You Can Do About It.”
More good news!
This program is my gift to you to get you started in making the improvements you want in your relationship with your child. Simply enter your name and email address below, and you will receive the link to access your free Parenting Solutions program! We respect your privacy and will never spam you.
If you want more info, read on!
In this practical program, you will
- Learn the five most common mistakes parents unintentionally make in talking with their child that actually encourage and teach their child not to listen. Amazing, but true!
- Get greater clarity about what it means to have your child listen.
- 6 powerful do-today strategies that will break up your current communication patterns with your child that are not working for either of you.
- Learn how to communicate with your child so you get more of the results you want – the first time you say it! Yes! Amazing, but true!
- Experience having a more joyful, harmonious relationship with your child in which you feel heard and more appreciated by your child. This is what every parent wants.
This is what you will receive in this content-rich program:
#1 90-minute downloadable audio recording
Tie audio includes 60 minutes of content and 30 minutes of answers to parents personal questions. You can listen to the audio online or download it to your computer or mp3 player.
#2 A complete transcript of the class
If you love to get your information from reading instead of listening, this is for you.
#3 A 4-page handout with exercises and content
The information you will learn applies to your child of any age from 2 months to 22 years and older. The principles and skills you learn now will guide you to nurture your child and your relationship with her both now and in the future.
Does this sound like what you and your child need?
Wonderful! Simply enter your name and email address below, and you will receive the link to access your free Parenting Solutions program!