Making Life Win-Win-Win

It’s a beautiful, warm morning here in the San Francisco Bay area. The birds are joyously singing, and I’m this blog to you from Arzino Ranch where we board our horses. I’m writing this blog to you as I sit on a small, flat rock in the sea of a bright green grassy pasture. Our two wonderful horses Destiny and Echo graze peacefully at the far end of the pasture.

I am struck by the perfection of this moment, perfection and win-win-win for everyone. You will soon be reading this blog to inspire you and remind you to give wonderfulness to yourself. Destiny and Echo have the perfection of contentedly eating a delicious, healthy breakfast in an environment that is closest to their true nature. Me–I get to connect with you and be outside in the fresh air and sunshine and with our horses, an environment that is closest to my true nature.

Joy! Win-Win-Win!!

What can you do today, this week, to create a win-win-win for yourself and those you love?

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