1.Say Yes to them in as many ways as you can.
Focus on the things you like and enjoy about your parents as people. Your parents care a lot about you, no matter how unkind they seem to be acting. Believe it or not, they’re afraid of losing you and doing the wrong thing as a parent. Be as cooperative as you can. It doesn’t mean you’re weak when you say “Yes” to them. Choosing not to fight and argue often requires greater strength than fighting with someone you love.
2.Be clear when you need to set a limit.
This can be a tough one. Parents don’t like it when you say, “No” to them. They sometimes feel you’re being disrespectful, even when you’re not. Be true to yourself and be careful which battles you choose to fight. Make sure it’s an important one…not just refusing to take out the garbage because you don’t feel like it. Don’t give up yourself in order to please them. Remember, these people are important to you. See if you can find a way to make things work for both of you.
3.Play with them. It’s good for you and for them.
Too often young people think they’re not cool when they do things with their parents. If it feels boring with your parents, then you aren’t doing fun things with them. Be more creative in finding fun things to share. It’s important to have a balanced life. Shutting your parents out of your life hurts you and your parents. Besides, having you a part of their life makes your parents happy.
4. Be authentically yourself. Tell them how you feel.
It is essential that your parents know who you truly are and how you truly feel about things-even if it upsets them. Better to have it out in the open where you can talk about it. Lying to them and deceiving them hurts you as much, if not more, than them. Your feelings and needs are important. Let your parents know you for who you are-not the rebel or the people-pleaser-who you honestly are. Make it easy for them to hear you by talking in a respectful, kind manner.
5. Pay attention to what they are feeling.
Our first reaction is usually to your own feelings, not theirs. Parents have feelings, too, which is why they act so weird sometimes. They sometimes get caught up in their own fears and insecurities, and they can’t hear or understand you. Give them some time to calm down, and then go back and talk with them. You will get a lot further with them this way, than by yelling, storming off, continuing to plead with them. Trust that with some time, they’ll be able to hear you more clearly.
6. Go on fun adventures together!
This is similar to playing with them. Try to do some new things with them, things you’ve never done or seen together before. Adventures open us to newness and allow everyone to see each other in a new light. Doing the same things over and over gets boring and can be a good way to get stuck in a rut you don’t really enjoy.
7. Become more fully yourself. Discover yourself. Grow.
If you’re feeling bored, uninspired, unexcited about your life, then it’s time to muster up your courage and try something new. When you do the same things over and over and aren’t truly happy, then you’re not being true to yourself. Parents often think they know what’s best for their children, but only you truly know that for yourself. Listen to yourself. Do the things that truly nurture you and bring you pleasure.
8. Listen to your parents. They need it, and you will learn much.
Yes, even parents have some worthwhile things to say, even when it sounds like they’re trying to tell you what to do. There just might be some useful information in what they’re saying that you can use. You can really surprise them by asking questions about what they’re saying and trying to understand clearly what they mean. They’ll feel appreciated and respected by you, and this gives them a happy heart. They’ll be a lot more willing to listen to you if you can take the first step and listen to them.
9. Open your heart to loving them. It will nurture both of you.
Your parents are two of the most important people in your life. By not letting yourself feel your love for them, you deprive yourself of feelings that nurture you. Sure it can be tough when your parents act in such unpredictable, seemingly unloving ways, but they do love you dearly, otherwise they wouldn’t be acting so weird. A little patience and understanding will go a long way.
10. Enjoy them as fully as you can. Life and time do not stand still.
This sums up just about everything else. Our life on this earth is a short-term proposition. Hopefully you and your parents are going to be in each other’s lives for a long time, but don’t wait until your parents are gone to realize how much they mean to you. Enjoy the beauty of what you have right now. You have lots to be grateful for. Wouldn’t it be cool if you go through your teen years loving and trusting your parents? Your friends will want to know how you do it!