As part of ‘De-Stress Your Life for Parents Month,’ here is another video to keep you moving forward.
I discovered the Cycle of Stress a couple of weeks ago when I was planning my class on de-stressing for parents. Even though the topic may sound boring, it is quite fascinating how we add to the stress we experience.
This video will:
- give you a bigger perspective and understanding how stress gets triggered
- the role you play in keeping stress going–Yes, you are a key player!
- greater clarity about what you can do to experience less stress and be more connected to yourself and your family.
Are ready to take action to have less stress in your life?
In my “De-Stress Your Life for Parents” downloadable program, you will :
- Learn the true cause of most, if not all, of your stress. It’s seldom talked about!
- Discover the two most compelling reasons to de-stress your life now. You’ll be surprised!
- Have at your finger tips a menu of do-today strategies to get yourself back on track when things get tough.
- Come away with personal insights about you and your unique ways of coping with stress.
I invite you to make de-stressing a priority in your life. This alone will make profound positive changes for you and your family.
To your Joyous Family!
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