How to Recognize Conflict in Your Family

When most people think of conflict, they think of an argument with tempers raised and people yelling at one another. Each person has a sharp point of view and boldly tells the other person what s/he should do differently.

Another kind of conflict, often unrecognized, is more far more damaging. This is a silent argument, in which there is an unspoken agreement to do everything you can to avoid an emotional eruption.

To the outside world and even to you, everything can seem to be all right because it appears to be a conflict-free relationship. Yet both people are afraid to honestly tell their truth to each other and instead share their frustrations about each other with their friends over coffee or at the park.

The opposite of conflict is not the absence of anger. The opposite of conflict is joyous, loving, authentic, trusting connection – with your partner, your child and even your mother-in-law.

A silent truce is not connection. It is a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode in anger, separation, or worse.

If you want to decrease conflict in your family, please join me on March 22 for my FR^EE teleclass to learn
“How to Quickly Leap

from Conflict and Frustration

to Cooperation and Ease

with Your Family”.

Reserve your spot here now:

Then go enjoy a beautiful day, knowing you’ve taken the first step to increasing the love and joy in your family for now and far into the future. Your emotional connection as a family is the foundation of everything else in your life!

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