I did it! The first video in my Joyous Parenting Video Series is up and ready for you to enjoy! I’m excited to make my next one and hopefully will have it up before all of my travels begin next week.
It’s only 3 minutes long so you can easily find time for it in your busy day.
In this video, I mention lines in the recording. As it turns out, the lines mostly show in the recording phase and not in the viewing phase so you probably will not see many lines. Part of my learning curve.
If you feel others in your network would find this information useful, please share it with people you know and care about. Thanks!
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As you may recall, I am beginning a series of travel adventures next week. I plan to post updates of my travels on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. So if this sounds like fun, you can sign up to ‘follow me’ from my blog also. This way you can share my adventures with me. That would be fun!
In what ways are you trying to be perfect as a parent? Feel free to share your experience in the comment section.
Awesome Isabel!! It’s amazing how many people we try to make perfect so they will act the way ‘we’ prefer. Another opportunity to accept others and grow ourselves. 🙂
Nolbert, delighted you all enjoyed it! And we need not strive to be ‘perfect.’ I believe more valuable goals are to be ourselves, be present and to enjoy our children. 🙂
This is a very simple, yet powerful lesson. It’s better to get things done, to live life, to enjoy our kids and the precious days of their childhood (they will go away quickly!) than stressing out trying to achieve perfection. For some of us that’s not an easy task, but I think it’s really worth a try.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to watching your next video 🙂
Gilma, delighted you created so much value for yourself from this short reminder! Let me know how it goes. What’s easy? What’s hard?
What a great message, Connie!
I had to laugh out loud at the bit about if I am a perfect parent then my child will be perfect and behave perfectly. Yep. I am 100% sure I have thought that. It is easy to forget that being who we are and being present is more important than measuring up to some external standard. 🙂
Absolutely Donna! Trying to conform to any external standards as a parent takes us away from what our children need the most from us! Yet it is so easily done…a slippery slope. 🙂