You Can Easily Learn to Communicate Clearly and Powerfully with Your Child

Sebastian’s language skills are rapidly increasing.
Lately he’s been saying two-word sentences where nouns become verbs. Popular
examples include: I jeep. I truck. I bike. I tractor. I Connie. I have now
become an action verb! I like that!Seb_june_09

Many of you know that one of the essential parenting
skills I teach is a unique and effective way to use I-statements. Nichola made
a brilliant observation about Sebastian’s language skills, “He really knows how
to use I-statements.”

This powerful way of communicating is good for all of
us. Yet most parents are either unclear how to use I-statements or forget to
use them entirely.

You Can Easily Learn to Communicate Clearly and
Powerfully with Your Child

Imagine what it would be like to be heard by your
child and to have her respond cooperatively and positively!

The good news is that it’s not hard to do. In fact,
it’s much easier than you think!

This is only one of the powerful skills you’ll learn
in my Joyous Parenting Training that begins in November. And just in time to
dramatically decrease your family drama and make the holidays truly special!

Plus I have a special package with valuable bonuses
that is available only until this Friday, October 23.

Create a holiday season where you share the truly
magical delight of loving your family!
Find out more and sign-up, by going here:

Your Child Counts on You
to take
good care of him. Here’s an empowering tip to help you avoid one of the biggest
mistakes I see parents make!

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