In the most recent edition of Ode
Magazine, there is an article about new trends in medicine and healing. Natural
healer Victoria Maizes says, “Much of what we do in conventional medicine is
just that—convention.”
This is also true in the parenting and
educating of children. Much of what we do is simply convention and is not examined
deeply for its true results in children’s lives. Most parents and educators
were raised and taught in ways that is now assumed to be “the way it is done,”
without any real questioning or evaluation of the process. Therefore, they tend
to utilize similar principles, strategies and approaches with the children in
their care.
It’s imperative that we as parents,
educators and a society re-examine the ways in which we relate with children. Many
adults unconsciously do things that undermine the very thing they are trying to
accomplish, which is to help children be successful, happy, flourishing people
both now and in the future. We need to step away from convention and explore
what truly empowers children and brings out their natural gifts and talents.
As a society and a planet, we all need
everyone’s human best as we live during these changing and challenging times.