Doug and I were camping and literally ‘driving off the beaten track’ last week in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. We camped in Hawk Canyon, one of our favorite places in the park.
We went there because the wind was gusting hard, making it impossible for me to relax and enjoy where we were. When we got to Hawk Canyon, we nestled into our little alcove between the high red rock cliffs. The air was still, and it was just us and Mother Earth.
My body immediately relaxed, and I felt happy and free. Everything was simply perfect, and I could have stayed there for days, listening to myself, being, responding to what I felt called to do next. I felt so content and fulfilled.
Return to my life in the Bay Area, and everything has changed. There are emails to go through and write, people to meet, projects to get done, holiday gifts to be chosen. I love all these things, yet what a change!
I find it’s so easy to get caught up in all the seemingly necessary and important tasks of my daily life and to lose the deeper joy and flow of it. I push myself to get things done instead of listening to myself and being.
Today I’m going to imagine myself back in Hawk Canyon where I feel free, relaxed, and fulfilled by simply being. I wonder what kind of day I’ll create.
What are your secrets to getting into the flow and fulfillment of life? Please share them with us.