What to Do When Moms and Dads Disagree about their Child’s Tantrums

Johnny is on the floor screaming and crying. Your teen just stormed to her room after yelling at you. Tommy put his head on the table and refuses to talk to you.

Your child’s tantrums and emotional upsets are never fun. But they become even more complicated and challenging when you and your partner don’t see eye-to-eye on how to respond to these already difficult moments.

Usually moms and dads fall on opposite ends of the spectrum. One believes in firm rules, structure and discipline. The other is more flexible and interested in making sure their child is happy.

Because tantrums are such emotionally-charged situations, it’s easy for you and your partner to get your own emotions triggered. You lose your cool and become frustrated or angry about the way your partner just handled your child’s emotional upset.

You may believe your partner is too harsh and critical. Your partner believes your child needs more structure and that you’re letting your child walk all over you and perhaps even encourages the tantrums.

It’s important to your child and to your family’s emotional well-being that you and your partner work together, that you are equal, loving partners with one another.

Here are some quick tips to help you work things out –

1. Remember neither of you nor your partner is wrong. When it comes to parenting, the important question is not right or wrong. The important question is how can we make this work. [Read more…]

Are You Telling Your Child Too Much?

A mompreneur client of mine once shared with me this story about her 7-year-old daughter. She had just finished telling her daughter some info that she thought was important. She was trying to ‘teach’ her child an important idea to help her in life.

After she was finished, her daughter calmly looked at her and explained, “Mom, when you talk to me, all I hear is ‘blah……blah..blah…..blah..blah.”

You might think, “Wow! What a disrespectful daughter…telling her mother something like this AND not even listening!”

Her mom and I heard something different in her daughter’s communication. She told her mom her experience when her mom started ‘teaching’ her and gave her mom valuable feedback about her communication with her daughter, something every mother can use.

Shortly after this, her mom and dad signed up for my Joyous Parenting Training because they realized they needed to learn how to talk so their daughter would listen. In fact, this feedback from her daughter helped my client understand how much her words were ‘missing’ her daughter, which was the opposite of what she wanted.

Many parents believe that telling their child what he should and shouldn’t do will convince their child to do what they say. They believe their words will change their child’s behavior.

Sometimes this is true; but in reality, words seldom affect or change a child’s behavior as her parents hope it will. Often what the child hears is, “blah……blah..blah…..blah..blah.” [Read more…]

The Easy Path to Being Good to Yourself

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed with too much to do? One of the biggest things moms struggle with is being good to themselves. In fact, most moms tell me they feel guilty when they think about it – guilty when they do something special for themselves and guilty when they don’t because they know they “should.”

As a mom and wife, there are so many things you need to do for your child and your home, often combined with a career. Taking care of yourself easily becomes one more thing to try to squeeze into your already busy day. One more thing that adds to your feeling overwhelmed.

In fact, you may be skimming this article and wondering if you have time to read it.

Here is the bottom line: The most important reason for you to be good to yourself as a mom and wife is that your child and husband COUNT ON YOU to be the best you possible. And the only way to be the best possible you, is to treat yourself like gold.

That’s right! If you truly care about having a happy, connected, fulfilled family, then you must treat yourself well.

Your child looks to you for connection and as a role model of how to live a successful, happy life and your husband looks to you for partnership and intimacy. The only way to do that is to make yourself one of your highest priorities.

The easy path to being good to yourself is to see it as a moment-to-moment activity, not a special event that requires planning and fitting into your calendar. It’s crucial to be good to yourself as part of your daily life.

Let me share with you 3 simple questions you can ask yourself as you go through your day. These will help you clarify what matters most to you and guide you to make better choices for you.

#1 Is what I’m doing fulfilling and consistent with what matters most to me?

Every woman has should’s she unconsciously lives by. This question will prevent ‘the shoulds’ from taking over your life.

#2 Have I clearly chosen to do this?

Often we do things because we become a slave to our to-do list. We rush from task to task without consciously choosing our next action.

#3 Am I having fun?

Approaching life from the possibility of play and enjoyment changes your perspective on everything and gives you more options. This puts more magic and the joy in your life!

Making yourself one of your highest priorities requires the courage to do something new and thinking out-of-the box. However, if you weigh this against how good it is for you and everyone in your family, you know it’s worth it.

Being good to yourself is one of the most important gifts you can give your family! Enjoy your life!

Are You Fitting In or Being Yourself?

Every woman wants to be who she is. I’m sure you feel this desire deep within you. Yet have you felt another feeling that holds you back, one that stops you from taking risks and trying something new that calls you?
Every woman feels this hesitancy from time to time. Sometimes it’s a daily feeling of being unable to do what you most long to do to express yourself.

Doug and I love reading books together at night. We’re currently reading The Princess of Landover,” a fantasy book by Terry Brooks, one of our favorite authors. Last night in our story , Mistaya the teen daughter of our hero was brought into the principal’s office due to a series of misbehaviors.

The first to speak is Miss Appleton the principal, “ This isn’t the first time you’ve broken the rules, and I am quite certain that if things continue on as they are, it won’t be the last…In order for the learning process to function…the students must adhere to the rules…students must find a way to fit in. You don’t seem to feel this is necessary.”

Mistaya boldly agrees, “No, I don’t. I think we are here to discover oureslves so that we can do something important with our lives. I don’t think we’re meant to fit it; I think we’re meant to stand out. I don’t think we are meant to be like everyone else.”

If you’re willing to tell the truth, you most likely grew up in a school and a family where fitting in was expected and sometimes forced upon you. Now, as adults, sometimes without knowing it, you may have internalized the pressure to fit in – to believe, say and do what everyone else believes, says and does.

The pattern of fitting in often perpetuates itself through multiple generations. You grow up in a family where fitting in and doing the ‘right’ thing is expected. Your parents, who grew up in a family where fitting it and doing the ‘right’ thing is expected, passed this on to you. Your parents’ parents did the same. As you can see, this can go on and on.

So now we come to you as a parent, whether your child is 2, 12, or 22. You have choices to make – Will you continue the pattern to fit in or will you be fully yourself? Will you expect your child to fit-in and conform or do you want him to be himself?
Here are 3 potent questions to ask yourself to find more clarity:

#1 – Who did I learn from as a child and who do I look to now as my role model?
Unfortunately, when it comes to loving yourself and raising your child, there is a lot of misguided, limiting ideas floating around in our culture. If you look deeply at the lives of the people you are modeling, you may not really want to be like them or to live their lifestyle.

This does not mean you are criticizing them. It’s simply a matter of your personal choice.

#2 – What am I trying to accomplish with this action?
Often, we do things automatically without really stopping to consider why we’re doing what we’re doing. We do it or say it, it feels right (and familiar), and we go on. The important thing to remember here is that everyone has been taught to believe, speak, and act in certain ways. It’s usually your parents and your teachers, but it can be anyone, even the kid you met at the playground when you were six.

#3 – Is this really what I want?

Each person is unique. No one else has your unique combination of talents, insights, and gifts to share with the world. No other child has the gifts of greatness that your child does. Because of this, it is crucial that you that you live your life and parent your child based on who you are and who your child is, and NOT doing something because everyone else is doing it.

Wondrous things happen in lives and relationships the more you think for yourself and listen to your own inner guidance. Choose what’s good for you, what’s good for your child, and delightful miracles will happen. You have the power! I invite you to share your beauty and wondrous gifts even more with your family and the world!

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Why do you think you deserve to win 6-MONTHS FREE MEMBERSHIP in my “Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle?” Plus you’ll receive a complimentary FREE Coaching Session with Me about Your Most Important Family Difficulty!

My NEW Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle includes:

~Monthly coaching calls with me on important topics to help you have more joyous family relationships and emotional well-being. Among many things, we’ll talk about supporting your child to express her unique gifts positively in life, creating a more trusting relationship with your husband, and living a fulfilling life.

~Monthly Meditation to keep you emotionally on-track

~And more!


I want to generously reward moms who take action by giving the first 5 people who enter their choice of one of two free mp3 audio recordings: ‘Why Johnny Doesn’t Listen and What You Can Do About It” or “For Women Only: Three Essential Secrets to Create Joy and Intimacy with your Mate.”

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Isn’t it time you knew EXACTLY what you need to do to Create the Joyous Family™ You Most Desire? Once you know, what will you do differently and how will you and your family live your life more joyously? Tell us!

Act now so you can claim one of these workshop recordings for yourself!

I SO look forward to hearing from you and reading your inspiring dreams and desires!