Take Action Quickly to Resolve Your Parenting Challenges and Concerns

As a parent, it’s important to recognize indicators
of your child’s emotional distress. If you even suspect a concern, it’s
important to take action quickly and to not allow these concerns to continue. Most
likely they will not just naturally go away on their own. In fact, they’ll
often lead to other emotional concerns and behavior difficulties for you and
your child that will escalate as your child grows up.

Your child counts on you to recognize the indicators
of her emotional distress
and to take action. This is an important time to
trust your intuition. If you feel perhaps you recognize a problem, there is a
good chance you are correct.

When you allow your child to continue struggling when
you see behaviors that concern you, he feels alone, unsupported, and insecure,
and perhaps even unloved. Your child will show you when something isn’t okay
emotionally, and he looks to you to know what to do about it.

Take action until the problem is resolved so you are
both happy and fulfilled.

Live Your Fondest Dreams as a Parent!

Our wonderful grandson Sebastian aka His Royal
Cuteness (HRC) is now 2 years old! Orion and Nichola had a delightful gathering
of friends and family to celebrate this wonderful occasion. Here he is in all
his two-year-old innocent exuberance and joy!

We had a “special invitation” to arrive early so we
could spend some focused time with Sebastian IMG_0529 before everyone else arrived. Of
course, this meant extra time with Orion and Nichola and the fun of helping
them get ready for their party.

I LOVE being able to help them in some way. They are
so independent and capable I don’t often get this opportunity. Doug and I
cherish the fun, joyous, trusting time we share with our 3 “kids.”

Does this sound like a dream come
true? Well, this dream can happen for you, too! I promise! Here's how…

Are You Registered For My Parent Empowerment F-R-E-E
Call Happening this Saturday, October 10th?

I urge you to secure your spot on
this F-R-E-E call now. Click here
to do so. This is a content-rich call where I'll reveal:

"How You Can Dramatically
Decrease the Stress of Getting Things Done with Your Child During the School
Year so You Can Enjoy Your Family More and Be the Parent You Want to Be!"

I'll share priceless information
in this information-packed call. It's also where you'll be the first to hear about
my SPECIAL OFFER and BONUS GIFTS for my Joyous Parenting Training that begins
November 2nd.

Imagine nine power-packed
teleseminars with me as I personally guide you through the new discoveries and
insights you need to create an authentic, trusting, deeply connected
relationship with your child, no matter where you are right now. So mark your
calendar now. There's something magical about knowing you’ve taken a bold step
forward to be the parent your child needs you to be!

Are You Missing Important Cues about Your Child’s
Emotional Well-Being?

We live in a society where what
you do and say is more important than how you feel. Because of this, most
parents aren’t very aware of their own feelings, not to mention their child’s.

In fact, we don’t often know what
to do with our emotions except ‘keep a stiff upper lip’ when things get hard
and try not to let others know how you really feel

Children are born without this set
of rules, and they have no hesitation or fear of letting you know exactly how
they feel. This is part of what makes parenting so confusing. How to know which
of these feelings indicate a potential problem in your child’s Emotional
Read my earlier post "Important Cues to Your Child's Emotional Well-Being" to learn 4 important emotional cues I recommend you watch for now!

Reach for What You Really Want

One of our favorite experiences at Ghost Ranch was
hiking back into a gorgeous red rock box canyon where I took this photo of
Doug. It had been a fun and sometimes challenging hike up to this point,
criss-crossing the creek on slippery rocks and climbing over and through large

Finally, we could see the end of the box canyon, but we
weren’t quite there yet. Before us was a tall,


challenging pile of boulder,
which I doubted my ability to scale. I decided we had gone far enough.

When Doug climbed on this ledge high above where we
were standing, he could see the very end of the canyon. From his vantage point,
he saw that getting all the way to the end of the trail was worth doing; and it
seemed do-able. We decided to go for what we really wanted!

What followed was a delightful time of reaching,
stretching, balancing, and maneuvering to reach the very end of the canyon.
There we were surrounded by a high rock wall that folded back over us, wet with
water seeping through the cracks, and a resonant echo to every sound we made. We
loved it and were thrilled we did it!

When I see this photo of Doug taking a risk to get a
better view, I am reminded how important it is to stretch yourself and go for
what you truly want, even if you’re not sure if or how to do it. Boldness
and courage are essential for a fulfilling, joyous family life
. Settling for less than what you really want limits
you or your child.

Every challenge in a family relationship is an
opportunity to expand, grow as a person, and learn something new that will
transform your life forever. What can you do this week to challenge yourself to
stretch to have more of what you truly want to experience in your life?

Be Aware of Your Own Behavior More Than Your Child’s

As a parent, you know your behavior dramatically impacts
your child’s behavior and life. Yet it seems so much easier to focus on your
child’s behavior than it does to focus on your own. Yet it is your behavior,
mind-set and emotional well-being

that determine the parent you are and the kind of influence you have in your
child’s life.

When you choose to focus on your own behavior first,
you have greater clarity and insight to understand yourself and your child.
Plus it is the one area in which you have the power to make a significant
improvement in your child’s behavior and in your interactions with your child.

Put your attention on your own behavior first and discover
the powerful positive difference you can make in your child’s life!

Good Parenting Is More Than Luck

I’ve had so many people admire my relationship with my son Orion and wish they shared the honesty, closeness, and trust with their own child or parents. Others praise the close relationship I have with my daughter-in-law Nichola. They wish they could be so lucky and fortunate. Grandparents long for the time and quality relationship Doug and I share with our grandson Sebastian.

Parents who come to me for coaching feel uncertain or powerless when it comes to creating a joyous relationship with their child. Mothers come to me feeling overwhelmed with what feels like an impossible situation with their child.

Instead of trust and closeness, families often experience deep resentment and hard feelings between parents and their children, especially as their child matures into adolescence and adulthood and they become more aware of their true feelings toward their parents and the way they were raised as children.

The relationships with in-laws, especially mothers-in-law, are notorious for their difficulty. In fact, relationships with mothers-in-law often separate children from their own parents.

It can look like luck and good fortune when you don’t know what’s gone into making a joyous family happen. Over the last 33 years, I’ve focused on essential guidelines to create the relationship I now share with Orion and his family.

I promise you. What we have did not occur by chance. It has taken conscious communication and a deep willingness and desire on everyone’s part to share the trust, honesty, love and joy we now have as a family.

You can do something beginning today. These close, delightful relationships begin with the emotional foundation you create when your child is born (I would even say before your child is born) and continue throughout your lifetime.

Here are four quick tips to empower you to share the joy and love you most desire with your child. These tips will help keep you from wasting precious time as the years go speeding by.

If you want to begin to take action now to create a joyous relationship with your child that will last a lifetime, here are some things I’ve done to create what I share with our kids.

1. Make your emotional connection with your child one of your highest priorities. Nothing has a greater, more positive impact in your relationship and in your child’s success and joy in life.

When you share a positive emotional connection, you have a tremendous positive impact in your child’s life. He wants to be with you, even when he is a teen and into adulthood. He trusts you and looks to you for guidance in times of uncertainty and hardship. You all pull together and work together as an honest, deeply trusting family.

2. Understand what’s happening with your child emotionally. Without this, you can mistakenly believe you’re on track and miss your child entirely. Too often parents believe everything is okay, only to painfully discover in adolescence and adulthood, the lack of true understanding they had with their child.

This is one of the biggest challenges for parents. As a culture, we don’t know a lot about our emotions and how to create authentic, trusting relationships with our children or our spouse. With this information, you have a deeply positive effect on your child and life she creates for herself.

3. Admire your child for the unique and amazing person she is. Admiration and appreciation help her to flourish and to feel loved. She sees her beauty mirrored back to her in your eyes.

4. Honesty is always the best policy. Without this, your child knows on a deep level that he cannot trust you. Mutual trust and respect is the firmest foundation you can create with your child.

You Are in the Driver’s Seat Whether You Know It or Not

I’ve created a powerful, trusting loving relationship with my now 33-year-old son Orion, daughter-in-law Nichola and grandson Sebastian using these and other essential principles. There is nothing more important to me than my relationship with them. They bless Doug’s and my life daily. Such a delightful joy to cherish what we have all created together!

You can have this with your child also. The choice is yours. Life will always bring changes filled with new opportunities and challenges. The only way to get through these with a renewed and stronger connection with your child of any age is to create a relationship of honest, open trust, love, and regard for one another. One that nurtures your child’s and your own Emotional Wholeness.

If you want more harmony with your child both now and in the future, develop a joyous emotional foundation with your child starting today. It is never too late to begin, no matter how old your child. Your heart will be profoundly touched by the closeness you create.

My new book Joyous Child Joyous Parent is filled with specific guidelines and how-to’s to get you firmly started creating the lifetime relationship you most desire with your child. If you purchase my book during my upcoming Virtual Book Launch Party, you’ll receive two free teleclasses as a special thank-you gift.

Watch for my announcement on Thursday, August 20!