At the beginning of a new year, most people reflect on ways they want to grow and improve themselves and their life. When you take time to consider the big picture of your life, to consider the events of the previous year and to choose what matters most for the coming year, you gain new perspectives and insights. You take time out of the day-to-day busyness of your life and focus on what matters most.
As a parent or educator, you care deeply about the children in your life. You would do anything you could to nurture the innocence, love and joy in their heart. You want them to succeed in life. Here are five resolutions that invite you to step into the joyous magnificence of what is possible for you and your child this year and to make a powerful contribution to the lives of the children you love.
I, ________ (your name here) do hereby resolve to:
1. Release old ways of perceiving my child in order to understand her more clearly.
2. Uncover the unconscious ways in which I diminish my child's / students' natural self-confidence, brilliance, lovingness, and joy in living.
3. Nurture my child's emotional wholeness and self-trust as my highest priorities, knowing these build a strong, solid foundation for the rest of his life.
4. Explore how I can grow as a person in order to be the parent / educator my child / students need me to be.
5. Discover and develop my natural ability to create a relationship with my child based on mutual trust, appreciation and loving joy.