Last night a coaching client shared a perspective I think is brilliant, and I want to share it with you. We’ll call her Sharon.
Over the weekend, Sharon called me with a crisis in her relationship with her boyfriend whom she has been with for almost a year. I worked with her to explore her upset more deeply and to gain a more realistic perspective of her situation. By the end of our call, she felt calmer and committed to taking good care of herself through responsible action.
Last night we had our regular session. When I asked Sharon how she was doing she said, “Good.”
I was delighted to hear the strength in her voice. “That’s great!” I responded.
Sharon lightly replied, “Yeah, I’m feeling good. I’m not questioning it. I’m just going with it.”
Wow! “I’m not questioning it. I’m just going with it.” How many times do we question our feeling good and bring ourselves down emotionally with our worries?
Sharon had reasons she could have felt badly about her situation, but she was taking good care of herself and choosing to feel good. We always have reasons to feel upset about our life circumstances, and we always have wonderful reasons to feel joyous and blessed. It’s all in our point of view.
I encourage us all to make the choice Sharon made—to not question feeling good. To just go with it and enjoy the ride.