Research seems to indicate that
morality and responsibility for others doesn’t develop in children until
adolescence. Yet my son Orion and I recently observed his son (and my wonderful
grandson!) 2-year-old Sebastian do something at the park that powerfully
contradicts this belief.
First I want to give you the lay of
the land. Orion and I are standing at the top of one those big play structures
that has a tall, twisting slide. On one side is a steep, rock climbing section
that goes from the ground to the top of the play structure. Sebastian has
mastered this climb after being spotted during countless attempts.
Sebastian has just made friends with a
2-year-old girl who is there with her grandfather, who is carefully watching
her. We’ll call her Sara. She is doing well getting around and yet not as
physically strong or coordinated as Sebastian.
Sara and Sebastian laugh and giggle as
they run around, going down the tall slide then running around to the top of
the structure and then going down the slide again. Everything is going smoothly
and easily.
This time Sara goes down the slide
ahead of Sebastian and runs around a corner of the play structure out of Grandfather’s,
Orion’s and my sight. Sebastian follows down the slide and looks in the
direction Sara has run.
He has a concerned look on his face as
he looks from Sara to her grandfather, back to Sara and then to Grandfather who
not paying attention at that moment to his granddaughter.
Then Sebastian walks over to
Grandfather until he has his attention, and then points in the direction of
Sara to show Grandfather that Sara is going up the rock climbing section.
Grandfather immediately runs over to Sara to make sure she is safe.
Observing Sebastian’s awareness and
responsibility for this girl he just met is totally amazing to me. He knows
Sara is potentially not safe and Grandfather needs to know what she is doing. And
Orion and I can hardly believe what we
have just observed! I’ve never seen a child do anything like this. I’ve watched
many children on playgrounds before, and they are seldom aware of potential
danger for other children. They are focused on having fun themselves.
Sebastian is being raised using the
principles of Joyous Parenting™, which I’ve seen make a big difference in a
child’s ability to be fully, positively and morally present, a quality
essential for authentic relationships and success in life.
Children are naturally brilliantly
capable, insightful, moral and empathic from a very young age. It’s essential
to their development that we as parents, educators, and a society recognize this
if we are to relate with them in emotionally-nurturing ways so they easily
express their full capability.
I invite you to expand your vision of
who children are and of their natural capabilities. You’ll be amazed by what
you discover.
Do you have a story of your child
doing something amazingly moral and empathic to share? I’d love to hear it!