Amazing Manners for a Child so Young

I’ve been blown away by these two phenomenal actions I’ve observed in my 2.5 year old grandson Sebastian. Both demonstrate the ease and fun of my Joyous Parenting™ approach to guiding young people to be their best.

As you read these, remember he is learning to talk and is beginning to put sentences together.

The first story occurs in a busy, noisy restaurant at a large family gathering so there is lots of activity. I sit next to Sebastian who is busily exploring all the new treats he just received.

Everyone has ordered and gradually our orders come out.

When Sebastian’s food is placed in front of him, without a reminder of any kind, Sebastian spontaneously says, “Thank you!”

There is a murmur of approval from the family members who observed this amazing awareness and behavior in a child so young.

I turn to Orion, my son who sits on the other side of me, and he smiles and says, “People think we tell him to say that, but he does it on his own.”

Here is the second story… [Read more…]

“Conscious Parenting, Joyous Families” – Heard on Joy of Love and Life Radio

Tuesday is Take Care of Sebastian Day, who is now sleeping after creating with play dough and markers and reading numerous books. I so appreciate having this time with him every Tuesday. He is a precious, happy cutie, and I love watching him grow!

The Joy of Love and Life Radio show last week “Conscious Parenting, Joyous Families” was FANTASTIC! And lots of fun for all of us!

I was a featured guest along with two other brilliant women Charlene Nelson and Sarah MacLaughlin both of whom have valuable books for parents and children.

You’ll definitely want to listen to the call if you didn’t get to listen live. You’ll hear lots of useful tips to make parenting more fun and joyous for you and your child.

You can listen in iTunes or download it free to your iPod here.

After you listen, let me know what you think in the “Comments” section below. Any questions?

Enjoy! This will make you smile!

Contest is ON to WIN a FREE 6-Month Membership in my new Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle! Will YOU be the WINNER? POST a COMMENT and tell us why YOU should WIN.

Why do you think you deserve to win 6-MONTHS FREE MEMBERSHIP in my “Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle?” Plus you’ll receive a complimentary FREE Coaching Session with Me about Your Most Important Family Difficulty!

My NEW Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle includes:

~Monthly coaching calls with me on important topics to help you have more joyous family relationships and emotional well-being. Among many things, we’ll talk about supporting your child to express her unique gifts positively in life, creating a more trusting relationship with your husband, and living a fulfilling life.

~Monthly Meditation to keep you emotionally on-track

~And more!


I want to generously reward moms who take action by giving the first 5 people who enter their choice of one of two free mp3 audio recordings: ‘Why Johnny Doesn’t Listen and What You Can Do About It” or “For Women Only: Three Essential Secrets to Create Joy and Intimacy with your Mate.”

To enter, simply click on the “Comments” link below and write your entry in the Comment Box that will appear.

If you want privacy and anonymity with your entry, email it to She will post it as “Anonymous” and keep a log of who entered what so we can notify the inspiring winner.

Isn’t it time you knew EXACTLY what you need to do to Create the Joyous Family™ You Most Desire? Once you know, what will you do differently and how will you and your family live your life more joyously? Tell us!

Act now so you can claim one of these workshop recordings for yourself!

I SO look forward to hearing from you and reading your inspiring dreams and desires!

Are You Ready to Resolve Your Family Challenges in 2010?

Orion, Nichola, Sebastian, Doug and I enjoyed our family tradition of bringing in the New Year with a quiet dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant on New Year’s Eve followed by a fun family walk the next morning at Hidden Villa to see the farm animals, and especially the tractors for Sebastian.DSCN0038

We all so enjoy our time together, whether it’s a quiet evening at home or an international adventure. It doesn’t get old, boring or stressful. Our time together is satisfying and fulfilling for all of us, as we are all aligned with making things work for everyone.

One of the secrets to our continuous good times together is that we work through any difficult or challenging times as they come up. Because of our shared commitment to honesty and trust with one another, we don’t leave difficulties unresolved or shove them under the rug to re-surface another day.

This means we can truly enjoy the moment and treasure the time we have together. Such a joy! I am so grateful.

To begin the New Year, I am flying to Miami for a retreat with my coach and then on to Jamaica for a week of relaxing on the beach, hiking the Blue Mountains, and soaking up the laid back, reggae culture and music. Maybe I’ll find a fun place to go dancing.

This will be the first time I’ve been to Jamaica, and I’m traveling solo, which I haven’t done in a while. I’m looking forward to the adventure.

Are You Ready to Resolve Your Family Challenges in 2010?

Then I suggest you take a couple of minutes to read my most recent blog posts. You’ll want to subscribe to my posts so you don’t miss a single one. Watch for my Jamaican adventures here while I travel.

Next, keeping reading these newsletters so you’ll receive tips and strategies to improve your family life. In addition, you’ll be among the first to know about programs and free teleclasses I’m creating for you.

My plans for this year include a teleclass series and coaching program to help you moms improve your communication and relationship with your husband. I know how important romance and partnership are to you.

Also, my Joyous Parenting™ home study program will be available soon. This is an excellent opportunity to learn effective parenting tips and strategies to bring out the best in your child and to have a lot more fun as a mom.

In addition, you’ll be able to expand your parenting skills with my Joyous Parenting Training and Mastery Programs.

Plus other surprises to come!

I look forward to getting to know you better during the coming year and to helping you to resolve your family challenges and conflicts so you can deeply enjoy your family in the way I know you want.

And, when I return from Jamaica, I’ll do a free call to help you avoid the common pitfalls of creating a Joyous Family in 2010!

Today’s other blog post is about the one most important thing you can do to decrease family conflicts and drama this year. In fact, if you make this your top priority, you’ll be delighted with the newfound harmony and ease in your family. Read on to learn where to focus your attention this year to achieve fantastic results!

I wish you and your family a Joyous New Year, filled with all you most desire!

Preparing Our Children for the World of Tomorrow

Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Educational Administration Program at Iowa State University, co-created the amazingly popular video Did You Know?, which asks the question – How do we best prepare our children for the rapidly changing and expanding world of tomorrow?

In this future world of rapidly evolving technological development and rapidly changing global demographics depicted in the video, our children will live in a profoundly different world than we live in today. What these changes mean to the future of individual children and societies is open to speculation.

There are, however, two general approaches we can take as parents, educators and as a society to guide and empower our children. One is to continue with more determination on the path we are currently on – pushing children to ever-higher standards of memorization, test-taking and compliance  to the demands of the state who determine our educational standards.

The traditional, standards-based approach to learning began during the industrial age when factories needed workers who could accurately follow instructions without thinking for themselves or challenging the status quo. These workers needed to tolerate mindless repetitive tasks without complaint.

The other approach to guiding our children requires an entirely new way of perceiving young people and what they need from us to prepare for the realities of tomorrow. The goal of this alternative approach is to empower our young people to think for themselves and to think out of the box from the way things have always been done.

The demands of the future require innovation. We will need leaders, visionaries, and free thinkers with the ingenuity to respond to the needs of a different world reality, one in which the old rules and ideals no longer apply.

Our young people will need to use their natural human talents of problem-solving, intuition, creativity, curiosity, exploration, the ability to think for themselves in the moment and then to respond powerfully and courageously to realities of their time.

This is not something we can teach them with textbooks or standards-based testing. We can’t even teach them entirely based on what we already know or the information we believe to be true.

We are preparing our children for a future that is so radically different from the present reality that we cannot even imagine what it will be like.

To help them develop these intrinsic skills, we must give them relevant opportunities to actually use these innovative, problem-solving skills in real-life situations during all of their growing up years. We cannot expect a young person to suddenly become creative and innovative upon graduation if he hasn’t continuously used and expanded these skills as he grows up.

One of the best ways to develop these intrinsic skills is through real life experiences in programs, such as San Francisco-based Spark , which creates real world experiences for youth through apprenticeships in the community.

Another option is an unschooling approach found in many home schooling families and democracy-based Sudbury Valley Schools.

Other options that encourage individual freedom, creativity and exploration include Montessori and Reggio Emilio schools.

These approaches also help children develop essential life values including empathy, authenticity, autonomy, personal responsibility and integrity and life skills such as communication, observation, and motivation.

As I ponder this new reality of the future, I recall the lines from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran:

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of to-morrow,

which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

As individual parents and educators and as a society, we must trust that our children already possess the ability to discover and learn, to think for themselves, and to create new possibilities based upon the unique circumstances of the moment.

Our children profoundly need for us, their parents, educators, and society-leaders, to act with courage to challenge the status quo and to make choices based on what is best for our children now, and not just on what has always been done or is easy.

We must provide meaningful opportunities for their learning, exploration, and growth.The healthy future of our children and our global community depends upon it.

If you haven’t watched the video, do it now. Then go to Scott’s blog at and learn more about his ground-breaking work in education.