Today I give thanks for the blessings
My family who love and care for one
another and who truly enjoy being together, who creates together during the fun
times and the hard times
My husband Doug who cherishes who I am
and supports me totally
My son Orion who is a grounded, authentic
presence in my life and who cherishes and loves me deeply
My daughter-in-heart Nichola who loves
sharing fun things with me, including her precious son
My grandson Sebastian who radiates joy
to me and everyone he meets and who smiles with out-stretched arms when he sees
his Grandma Connie
My mom and dad Frances and Howard who gave me so much that I might enjoy a fulfilling life.
My mother-in-law Viv who welcomed me into her home and her family from Day One and who feels more and more like my mom with every passing day
Orion and Nichola who deeply love Sebastian and who daily make choices to nurture his emotional wholeness
The opportunity to share my ideas with
parents and educators who deeply care about the emotional well-being of
The opportunity to make life better
for children and their families, to have children trust and love themselves and
life, to make our world a more beautiful, human-loving place
My Dear and Precious Friends who authentically love and encourage me to cherish exactly who I am
Our spectacularly beautiful Mother Earth who teems with life, sustains us and gives us much to discover and enjoy
And for an amazing, delightful life I give thanks.