New Help for Children with Autism, ADHD, Asthma, & Allergies

It seems I’ve been learning lots of
new information lately about childhood vaccinations and their potential effects
on a child’s health. Many children receive the full regime of 36 vaccines before
the age of six with seemingly no harm, yet many children experience tragic consequences. It's increasingly important for parents to be conscious
and cautious in the decisions they make regarding their child's well-being.

I’ve just read Healing the New
Childhood Epidemics—Autism, ADHA, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking
Program for the 4-A Disorders
by Kenneth Bock, M.D. He is the co-founder and
co-director of the Rhinebeck Health Center and The Center for Progressive
at Albany Medical College in New York. This book follows children with severe
health challenges through Dr. Bock’s healing program and explains in depth the healing program he developed. His web site is full of information.

Dr. Bock cites the dramatic increase
during the last 20 years of the 4-A disorders. Autism has increased, according
to most estimates, by 1500% to 6000%, ADHA by at least 400%, asthma by 300%,
and allergies by 400%. If you add all of these disorders together, it comes to
20 million children or almost one-third of all American children. These
dramatic figures call for us to pay attention and to ask new questions.

Bock doesn’t just cite childhood
vaccines as potential causes. He believes four major changes have occurred in
the last 20 years
that contribute to this debilitating illnesses in children.
These include the following: 1). Toxins proliferated; 2) Nutrition
deteriorated; 3). Vaccinations increased; 4) Ability to detoxify dwindled.

All of these combined result in
compromised immune, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems in children’s bodies.
We also need to be aware that these same environmental changes affect all of
us, whether we notice them or not.

My friend Jack Travis, M.D. of the Alliance for the Transformation of Children's Lives (aTLC) recently gave me
information about an online video that shares a heart-touching story of Max, whose
parents bring him to Dr. Bock’s office for help.

Being informed is essential for all
parents in order to make wise decisions for children. It’s also imperative to
ask new questions instead of blindly following the status quo. Parents must
trust and listen to themselves when they feel cautious about their child’s
well-being. In many stories I’ve read, parents whose child developed autism report
feeling hesitant about giving a vaccination to their child when he was ill, but
were reassured by their doctor not to worry.

All professionals and experts are
just like everyone else. Sometimes they get it wrong and make a mistake. Your best guidance comes from your child and your own
inner knowing.
Always take them into consideration.


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