I’m delighted to talk with you again. Our home remodel is complete – new hardwood floors and new lovely, warm colors, and more of our incredible granite in the bathroom! You can tell I love it!! Now all that’s left is unpacking a few more boxes.
My husband Doug and I also took a 6-day camping trip in the Sierra Mountains of Eastern California two weeks ago, discovering spectacular new territory, hiking, and enjoying the breath-taking beauty and peace of Mother Earth.
I hope you’re spending time with your child in nature this summer. It’s good for you and your child. It’s the perfect place to have spontaneous meaningful conversations.
I have a new video for you that I am really excited about! Of course, I’m excited about all of them, and this one is especially dear to my heart.
The emotional connection between you and your partner makes a profound impact in your child’s life, probably more than you realize. I designed this short video to give you powerful insights to deepen your partnership and communication.
A dear friend and colleague Meryn Callendar is about to release a book in which my son Orion and I contributed “Why Dads Leave: Insights and Resources for When Partners Become Parents” that addresses this topic more deeply. I’ll let you know when it is released. It is a must-read!
Feel free to share the video with your partner and other dads you know. I especially recommend sharing it with your partner, whether male or female.
What do you do to keep your emotional connection with your partner strong and flourishing? Please tell us in the comments section below. You just might give someone else an idea that will make a big difference to them. That’s one of the values of community.